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Chatham Reunion 2024
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Chatham Reunion 2023 Group Photo
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awe, just go and see how it all began

Message from Bill Pritchett
Worked at Meat Plant and Truck Driver

I'm the one whom sent info about G.M. Warehouse in Taylor...driver there for 3 yrs... meat plant start a Store #13... breaking sides of meat.. packaged and ship to near by stores... 17 and 18 were in that group as well as #26 in the Livonia mall... In 73 it had moved to Joy Rd. and Shafer... In the old allied foods meat plant... Bob Nichols plant mgr... Sam Santilli plant mgr ... Carol Gregory plant office mgr... Rodger Placinta shipping mgr..... This plant cut swinging sides to be able to ship to all stores to be further broken down for counter sales.... also cut and packaged all pork...one line off sausages as well... Slowly graduating in to more and more distribution of more and more product...package lunch meat... etc....then in 1979 or 1980 the Frazho plant opened with a complete new receiving and shipping full tilt state of the art operation still by same mgt personnel.... Then in 1982 handwriting was on the wall.. I had oportunity to go to Florida... ***boom gone never looked back***.... Started in March 1965 at E.J. Korvettes.... in March or April of that year Chatham bought stores 12 .. 13.. and 14..... I was at 14... and store mgr George Lowry told newly union personel... *hell let the kid stay he'll be 16 next month...* as you had to be at least 16 to become a member of retail clerks ...in 1973 when I started driving I became a teamster... 10 yr there and 24 more in Florida gives me a nice sum to live... Owe a lot to Chatham for the start...
Thank you Bill Pritchett for sharing

A message from Kerry Gelles
Around 1973 in the Prepack lunchroom in the Frazo warehouse,
for Art Connelly’s retirement

Art is the one in the center of the picture. He was the manager of the prepack department.
I (Kerry Gelles) am the third one in the line against the wall. Sitting at the table on the rear left
is Richard Smith (Smitty) a hilo driver and behind him not viewable is Bob Langley,
I recognize his hat lol. There a lot of folks there that I can’t remember their names. Old age!
I only worked there for a year before going to the truck garage.
The picture quality is not the best but maybe someone can recognize the others and let you know.

c/o... Kerry Gelles
1973-1985 Prepack and truck garage.

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Sad News to Report
Marcy Weisberg
I am sorry to inform you that James Jones Sr who worked for Chatham Warehouse passed away on January 15, 2024...

c/o... his daughter Allison Rushing


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